» We offer the innovative and powerful Content Management System, Word Press. Placing your website on a Word Press engine gives you the ability to edit most all areas of your website.
» Word Press is a nimble, scalable and secure system. Since it resides on your hosting server, the administration of your website can be accessed from any computer connected to the internet. Managed content includes: page text, images, videos, audio, documents, calendars, e-commerce... and MUCH more.
» Word Press incorporates a secure login so only people with special permission can enter. In addition, you can assign specific permissions to employees, keeping them out of sensitive data such as records or financial information.
» Unlike other content management tools, Word Press is customized for each client or project. Our system comes with a LARGE number of features available including: Blogs, E-Commerce, Event Calendar, Discussion Threads, News and much more. For specific and individual needs, we have always been able to support whatever a client requires.
» Word Press saves time and money... it makes your life easier.
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